Do you ever feel like online marketing success – the kind that’s measured in actual dollars and customers – feels slightly out of reach? A lot of business owners do, and there is a fairly simple reason why. That’s because getting customers over the internet seems easy, but in practice can be kind of a grind.

If that feels like it’s unclear, read it again. The ideas and best practices behind internet marketing aren’t complicated. What makes them difficult is the need to do them again and again, week after week, when you have other things going on.

That’s important to remember at this time of year. Just think of how many people will make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight or run a marathon. How many of them will still be going in February? That’s the whole point.

If you really want to make online marketing successful this year, consider doing things a little differently by following these guidelines:

• First, make a realistic and achievable set of goals for what you want to accomplish.

• Then, set aside a bit of time each week to work at them. Don’t promise you’ll spend hours on Facebook advertising (as an example) if you only have 30 minutes you can spare. You’ll only end up stressing yourself out for no reason.

• Finally, get started. And if you run into stumbling blocks, or don’t know what to do next, seek out some advice. I’m here for questions.

Putting together a winning strategy for a small business isn’t that hard. But, it can be overwhelming if you try to do too much and forget that consistency is the key. Keep my simple ground rules in mind and it won’t be long before you’re using the web to turn clicks into customers!