What is your name and business name?  
Debbie Adlof, Community Word

Tell us about your company:  
The Community Word is a FREE monthly Peoria newspaper that covers all Peoria news. It began in 1977 as the West Bluff Word and expanded to include the entire Peoria area. The paper has a web site, which has all the articles from the monthly print version. It also has a blog site, which is where I post daily happenings and press releases. Advertising is the only way the paper has to pay for itself. Ads are very reasonably priced – I’ve not raised the price of the paper at all during the 13 years as its care-taker. The beauty of a monthly newspaper is that people tend to read from the paper throughout the month rather than at a one-time sitting. Therefore, the readers are exposed to the articles and the advertising multiple times throughout the month.

How did you get started?
I used to write for the paper before I was offered the opportunity to become the editor/owner/caretaker.

What would you do if you didn’t have your company?  
I would probably write. I miss it.

What advice would you give others starting a business?  
Make a business plan and follow it. Remember that you are the last person in line to get paid!

What do you attribute to your success?  
Persistence and a good work ethic.

Tell us something that no one else knows about you
I am truly an introvert.

Anything else you care to share?

How can people contact you if they need your services?  
The office phone is: 309-692-0644
The fax number is: 309-692-7909
My cell phone number is: 309-360-6962
The email address is: communityword@yahoo.com
Website: www.thecommunityword.com/online
Blogsite: www.thecommunityword.com/online/cwnotes