Are you guilty of treating the photos and images in your email marketing as an afterthought? If so, now is the time to change your ways. Here are three ways you can use graphics more effectively in your email newsletters:
#1: Choose an image or photo that’s interesting – don’t simply choose the first piece of clipart you can find; think like a magazine editor and try to choose an image (one that you have the rights or permissions to use, of course) that creates interest or helps to tell your story.
#2: Make sure to optimize image size with the right resolution – no one wants to sit around waiting for your image to load, especially if they’re viewing your email newsletter from a tablet or smart phone. Do your subscribers a favor and keep image sizes on the smaller side.
#3: Make your image clickable – lots of subscribers will click on images instead of text out of simple force of habit. Make sure yours have hyperlinks that lead to your landing page or any follow-up information.
The right image can add a lot to your email newsletter, and the wrong one is a waste of space and attention. Put a bit of careful thought into the images you choose, because they have a big impact on click through rates.