More often than not, the hardest part about developing a blog post is coming up with the original topic or inspiration. Writer’s block is a real thing, especially when writing is just one of many things you have to do in a day and you’re feeling pressure to come up with something great.

Because I want to help you ensure that you’ll never run out of blog topics again, I’m going to give you a quick two-step process for generating ideas…


First, Choose a Subject


Choosing a general topic for your blog can be easier than you think. Consider taking some inspiration from one of the following:

  • Frequently asked questions about your business or industry
  • Current concerns that are affecting your customers
  • New products, laws, or tax situations
  • Fun facts that you’ve learned about your company or business
  • Items that would be of interest to someone in your area, or the market in which you operate

These are just a few examples, but the point is to start with something that’s timely and interesting to your target audience. If there is a topic or subject you think your customers would want to know about, start building your post around that.


Then, Create a Sizzling Title


Have you ever been going through a grocery store checkout line and noticed just how spicy the titles on the magazines are? That’s for good reason: they want you to become interested enough to impulse-buy the publication on sale.

You might not be “selling” your blog posts, but you are trying to get readers to “buy” with their attention. So, you should follow the same kinds of tricks. You want your blog posts to sound like fun, easily-readable chunks of ideas. Here are a few idea-starters to get you going:

  • 7 Tips for…
  • Never Do (fill in the blank) Again!
  • What You Really Need to Know About (fill in the blank)
  • How To Do (fill in the blank) Better Than Ever Before


You get the idea. Each of these seems like a fun, easy guide to improving your life or business. And best of all? When you come up with a great title, it can help inspire you to write a better blog post. In fact, you might even flip things around and come up with a title first, and fill a post around that.

These two tips are easy to follow, but they can make all the difference when you’re trying to generate weekly blog content. Follow them, and you’ll never run out of inspiration again!